Digital Contact Tracing- TraceScan’s Wearable Tech will help Predict the Spread before Symptoms Present
In the technological era where one in every five Americans uses a smart device to track their level of fitness seizing the opportunity to introduce contact tracing wearables to track the outburst COVID-19 is the best idea. The Globe and Mail have previously reported on contact tracing apps “ It’s time to talk about contact tracing apps because they are coming soon”, and indeed they are here! COVID-19 which is here to stay with us and wearing contact tracing technology like TraceScan lets consumers play a role in keeping themselves and their communities safe.
Traditionally screening methods used to detect COVID-19, included some questions regarding the travel history, current symptoms, body temperature, etc but the revolutionary digital contact tracing wearable like TraceScan has taken things forward like never before. But why wait for symptoms to present before you take action?
First, let’s learn more about wearable technology and Digital Contact Tracing in today’s world. Wearable technology is a smart device integrated with several microcontrollers and sensors to detect, analyze and transmit vital information to the wearer. These devices when worn in close contact with skin helps to keep track of daily activities such as running, walking, etc. Wearable technology devices are the best example of the “Internet of Things”. These wearable devices work on the signals that are transmitted and received between the body and device and can certainly be used in the detection of COVID -19.
Whereas, Digital Contact Tracing is the next level of contact tracing that mostly depends upon tracing interactions. It helps in determining the potential exposure between the infected person and the user. While many digital contact tracing applications use GPS to track the user, devices like TraceScan which is a combination of both digital contact tracing and wearable technology do not track the location of the user!
TraceScan is an AI-integrated wearable contact tracing device that can help predict the spread of COVID before the user starts to present. All the user needs to do is wear the device and let it communicate on its own. When bundled up with features like Access control, vaccination tracking and payments takes the technology to a next level, giving it significant utility in addition to the necessity of contact tracing.
Technology is changing the way we do things from day to day, technology forward wearables like TraceSCAN are an asset and provide resources to the healthcare industry that relieve the strain on healthcare systems and public health contact tracing efforts whilst helping protect you and your family.